Lower School Library

An infographic reads, "CFS LOWER SCHOOL LIBRARY OCTOBER & NOVEMBER 2024. What happened in the library these months?" The first section is titled "What book in the Lower School Library would you recommend to a friend?" A word cloud inside a book silhouette shape lists several different titles. Most popular titles include Dog Man, Chi’s Sweet Home, Harry Potter, and Wings of Fire. The next two sections read "Total books checked out: 1562" and "Total class visits: 40." In a section titled, "Books checked out by year," a pie chart depicts the following data: 1st years checked out 28.4% of books, 2nd years checked out 31.6% of books, 3rd years checked out 24.1% of books, and 4th years checked out 16% of books. The next section lists the Most Popular Series, with an image of the cover of a book in each series. The series titles are Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Dog Man, Elephant and Piggie, Wings of Fire Graphic Novels, Amulet, and Babysitter’s Club Graphic Novels. The final section is titled, "Monthly Highlight," and reads, "Students attended virtual author visits with authors Jeff Kinney and George Takei." This section includes one photograph of students in a classroom looking at a screen with a Zoom window of author Jeff Kinney on the screen and another photograph of students in the library looking toward a screen that is out of frame.

Research with our library resources (email Kimberly for the usernames and passwords):